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Webinar: How to limit the environmental impact of data


How to limit the environmental impact of data

Op woensdag 20 november 2024 van 11:00 tot 12:00 vindt het webinar How to limit the environmental impact of data plaats. Dit webinar komt voort uit de werkgroep Data Lifecycle Management en wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met Ronald Meijer (IBM), Pepijn van der Veen (ING) en Gerrit Ouderkerken (NetAP). Het inhoudelijke stuk zal in het Engels worden gegeven. 

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In today”s world where generative AI hypes, there are three very important things to be successful for (generative) AI. The first is data. The second is more data and I guess you know what the third one is, even more data. We live in a world where data is power, where data is the new oil. Data is important, but at what cost? How much energy is consumed by all this data? How much of all the data stored do we actually use? What can we do to limit the amount of energie and CO2 emissions while the amount of data continuous to grow? These questions will be discussed in this webinar and practical principles will be provided, based on the paper “Sustainable data management: Implementing a Sustainable Data Strategy Across the Data Lifecycle”


11.00h Welcome and Introductions

11.10h How to limit the environmental impact of data – Gerrit Ouderkerken (NetAPP)

11.25h  Sustainable Data Management: Implementing a Sustainable Data Strategy Across the Data Lifecycle – Ronald Meier (IBM) and Pepijn van der Veen (ING)

11.45h Conclusions and follow-up on ”how”.

12.00h End of webinar

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